Each soul, every one of us, has spent our lives within our physical bodies. Our “experience” of reality received through our present physical senses is deceptive as “The Flesh” experiences reality through the eyes of “Pain and Pleasure”. Within this context both pain and pleasure are experienced as possessing “Being”, each feeling just as real as the other. And so it is, that through the eyes of the Flesh we see and interpret the world, the Creation, and scripture, an interpretation clearly seen in the doctrines that are so prevalent in our churches today.
Yet the universe around us, the same universe that God not only created but has used to express to us His glory, presents us with a context that is actually quite different, and is readily apparent to the objective vision mind that lays aside the subjective experience of our emotion nature. The context of the Creation itself is simply that of “Something verses No-thing”, i.e. Light and Darkness, Sound and Silence, Heat and Cold, Matter and Space, Knowledge and Ignorance, even Truth and lies, and last but not least, Life and Death.
So if we are seeking to truly know God, we can continue in the limitations of the flesh and all the doctrines which have been passed down to us, accepting the limited vision of others, or we can try to set out fleshly experience aside and see God through the work of His own hand, the Creation. And so it is that I have written this book, having seen and understood God through that context through which He created all things and has written into the very fabric of the universe.
I have no intent of offering you another doctrine or belief system, rather my hope is to open a window into my mind as I see God through His Creation, in terms of physics, metaphysics, philosophy, and the nature and work of the Christ, possessing not only the scriptures as a witness, but the oft overlooked universal realities which surround us all. This book is a difficult read as I discuss the nature of Being and Matter, Consciousness and the soul, and the Heavens which were created along with that eternal Heaven which was not.
First I erect a vertical cosmological model of the Creation from the Genesis week of creation as opposed to the linear model offer by others. Next I build a metaphysical model of the created soul as pictured in the Garden by Adam and his wife. Then using the Gospel of John, I search out how Christ works to reconcile that which is created, with that which is wholly uncreated, namely God the Father.
What others tend to read only as scriptural history, my mind sees as God, more importantly, revealing the way things “are”. This differentiation separates the knowledge which is dead as of the past, from a living knowledge that reveals the present, the nature of the universe both seen and unseen, the nature of ourselves both seen and unseen, and the nature of God’s work, both seen and unseen.
This book has yet to be edited, for which I apologize, and has been priced low for easy distribution, but despite the low price the knowledge I consider priceless even as it is unique. Brent R. Hurst
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