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Every Person has the same amount of potential to lead a successful life regardless of their physical limitations. Since I was born with cerebral palsy, I was faced with two choices of how I would live my life. I could either take the easy route and feel sorry for myself or dare to succeed. Since dares are for brave people, I accepted the challenge. Although my mom was inexperienced when she had me, she wasnt intimidated by my disability. Instead, she became a tremendous warrior in life and raised me to the best of her ability. She loved me so much that she dared to try many things to make me better. One of the things she tried was a very unpopular ritual, which was rumored to cure cerebral palsy. This ritual involved numerous cows, and a gutsy mother. Not only did she perform this bizarre remedy on me, she has also equipped me with the appropriate strategies to be fruitful. I learned that there are two key qualities we must obtain in life to conquer our dreams: love and patience. In the midst of every situation, you must use these powerful techniques in order to obtain satisfaction. I hope and pray that The Evidence of Her Love will motivate you to view life differently.
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