Delphi Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott (Illustrated) by Sir Walter Scott

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Category: Classics
ISBN: 9781908909046
File Size: 70.75 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Sir Walter Scott, the Scottish novelist, poet, historian and biographer, is often regarded as the inventor of the historical novel, who produced a wide body of literary works, having a profound impact on world literature. This comprehensive eBook presents Scott’s complete fictional works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts appearing in digital print for the first time, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 7)* Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Scott’s life and works* Concise introductions to the novels and other texts* ALL 26 novels, with individual contents tables* Rare novels and shorter fiction often missed out of collections* Images of how the books were first published, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts* Excellent formatting of the texts* Famous works such as WAVERLEY, ROB ROY and IVANHOE are fully illustrated with their original artwork* Special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry* Easily locate the poems you want to read* Includes Scott’s rare poetry collections and plays – available in no other collection* Includes a wide selection of Scott’s non-fiction – spend hours exploring the author’s varied works* Special criticism section with essays by writers such as Henry James, Leslie Stephen and Charles Dickens examining Scotts literary achievements* Features two biographies – discover Scott’s literary life* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres* UPDATED with entirely revised texts, new formatting, rare plays and new introductionsPlease visit to browse through our range of exciting titlesCONTENTS:The NovelsWAVERLEYGUY MANNERINGTHE ANTIQUARYBLACK DWARFOLD MORTALITYROB ROYTHE HEART OF MIDLOTHIANTHE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOORA LEGEND OF MONTROSEIVANHOETHE MONASTERYTHE ABBOTKENILWORTHTHE PIRATETHE FORTUNES OF NIGELPEVERIL OF THE PEAKQUENTIN DURWARDST. RONAN’S WELLREDGAUNTLETTHE BETROTHEDTHE TALISMANWOODSTOCKTHE FAIR MAID OF PERTHANNE OF GEIERSTEINCOUNT ROBERT OF PARISCASTLE DANGEROUSThe Shorter FictionCHRONICLES OF THE CANONGATEMY AUNT MARGARET’S MIRRORTHE TAPESTRIED CHAMBERDEATH OF THE LAIRD’S JOCK.MISCELLANEOUS SHORT PIECESThe PlaysGOETZ VON BERLICHINGENHALIDON HILLMACDUFF’S CROSSTHE DOOM OF DEVORGOILAUCHINDRANETHE HOUSE OF ASPENThe Poetry CollectionsTRANSLATIONS AND IMITATIONS FROM GERMAN BALLADSTHE MINSTRELSY OF THE SCOTTISH BORDERTHE LAY OF THE LAST MINSTRELBALLADS AND LYRICAL PIECESMARMIONTHE LADY OF THE LAKETHE VISION OF DON RODERICKTHE BRIDAL OF TRIERMAINROKEBYTHE FIELD OF WATERLOOTHE LORD OF THE ISLESHAROLD THE DAUNTLESSMISCELLANEOUS POEMSThe PoemsLIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDERLIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDERThe Non-FictionTHE LIFE OF JOHN DRYDENPAUL’S LETTERS TO HIS KINSFOLKTHE JOURNAL OF SIR WALTER SCOTTTHE LETTERS OF MALACHI MALAGROWTHERTHE LIFE OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTETALES OF A GRANDFATHERLETTERS ON DEMONOLOGY AND WITCHCRAFTTRIAL OF DUNCAN TERIG, ALIAS CLERK, AND ALEXANDER BANE MACDONALDMISCELLANEOUS PROSE WORKSThe CriticismSIR WALTER SCOTT by William HazlittSIR WALTER SCOTT by Leslie StephenTHE POEMS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT by Andrew LangLETTERS TO DEAD AUTHORS by Andrew LangSIR WALTER SCOTT AND THE BORDER MINSTRELSY by Andrew LangSIR WALTER SCOTT AS A CRITIC OF LITERATURE by Margaret BallSIR WALTER SCOTT: A LECTURE by William KerSIR WALTER SCOTT by Henry JamesMEMORIES AND PORTRAITS by Robert Louis StevensonSCOTT AND HIS PUBLISHERS by Charles DickensSIR WALTER SCOTT AND LADY MORGAN by Victor HugoThe BiographiesSIR WALTER SCOTT by Richard H. HuttonSIR WALTER SCOTT by George SaintsburyPlease visit to browse through our range of exciting titles or to purchase this eBook as a Parts Edition of individual eBooks


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