Is Your Credit On Life Support? by Shelia Outlaw-Young

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Shelia Outlaw-Young
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“Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 New King James (NKJ). Training a child up in the way he/she should go is a form of education; therefore, when one becomes older that education is a part of his/her being. I consider credit education vital to being economically wise. It can be very expensive when a person does not know what his/her rights are as a consumer of credit. This is why I chose to become a professional counselor of debt. You cannot which debt problems away. The problems must be solved by educating yourself. This book will serve as a lifelong guide.
“The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7, NKJ. What do you do when you are in debt? How do you get out of it and when? As you read this book and apply the information, these questions will be answered. First of all it takes self-discipline; however once one knows what to do and when to do it, then they must act. Knowledge is power. Establish a debt-reduction plan, and set a goal to eliminate interest and too much debt. The following steps should be taken to break the bondage of debt:
• A commitment must be made to breaking the power of spending. Ask God to give you wisdom and discipline.
• Stop spending money that you do not have in your possession. A credit card is not money. It should be used for emergencies, only.
• Prepare a plan to get out of debt by starting with paying off and eliminating the smallest balance. Then, start to pay off the next smallest balance. Follow this method until all debt is eliminated.
• Start now to save a designated amount of money out of your earnings for your dream vacation, perhaps that purse and pair of shoes you want, or just save until you want to make a purchase.
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