The Gourmet Gospel Collection by A LeRoy

Breathe Freedom in Christ's Love
Sweeter than honey is this revelation of Grace, the "unmerited favor of God", he who is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love.
In this three-book testament, the author sets you free in every aspect of life, while chronicling his former struggles with an eating disorder, along with condemning church messages, that prompted his quest to reclaim forgotten truths.
"There is nothing you can do to avert God's loving disposition towards you nor his plans to prosper you, to give you hope and a future. So steadfast and unshakeable is he in his love for you that you could never succeed in deterring him. So set your heart at rest!"
Weaving deep analysis from the Bible, Shakespeare, and literary greats of the ages, The Gourmet Gospel Collection is a warm hug of support and reassurance, a testament to Christ's healing power, and a work of vast literary achievement. Above all, it is an embrace of infinite love!
Descriptions of the three individual books follow…
1/ A Better Eden: Where Sin Is Neither Possible nor Perceived
What if it were impossible to sin? What if all notion of "good" and "evil" were banished from our choices? What if the will of God were so embedded into our spiritual DNA that his point of view has become our point of view, his will our will? Then what freedoms would ensue.
Well, all of this is true! You are a "slave to righteousness", meaning someone naturally aligned with the will of God. So when the apostle Paul said, "The old has gone, the new has come," he was talking about you. As was Martin Luther when he declared, "No sin is perceived" when God looks on us.
Nor can you ever be in bondage to addiction, "because the addict died with Christ on the Cross!"
Drawing on a rich vein of wisdom throughout the ages, A Better Eden restores you to that state of innocence bestowed on Adam and Eve before the commandment came, "Do not…".
The result is transformational!
2/ It Was for Freedom: Our God-Given Liberty in Thought, Action, Feeling, Unforgiveness, Sex, Idleness, Art, and Eating
Building on the foundational principles mined in Book 1, the author unveils the breadth and depth of height of Christ's liberation in our lives, from how we think, feel, and act, to what we do with our bodies and with whom! Fear, worry, and condemnation are driven out, and in their place reign love and grace.
The result is a beautifully crafted and deeply researched work of literature and liberation, a love letter in service to peace and joy.
3/ Foes to Grace: Satan in the Court of Heaven, His Servants in the Corridors of Earth
"We are not unaware of the devil's schemes," wrote the apostle Paul. What are they? Masquerading as an angel of righteousness, accusing the faithful, and of course being the father of lies.
Satan presents his evidence against us in the court of Heaven, summons his witnesses, and cites chapter and verse to condemn us. But we have an advocate in Heaven, our friend, our intercessor, and witness for the defence. How will this courtroom drama play out?
Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?
You will be entertained, enlightened, and above all, empowered by the author's prophetic vision.
"A majestic flow of words."
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews
"Abdiel LeRoy shares that bliss of freedom of conscience in everything we do. He is one of our treasured spiritual guides—a man who cares deeply about setting us free from the unnecessary restrictions imposed on us, as well as those that are self-imposed! Read this book and breathe freedom. Highly Recommended."
Grady Harp, San Francisco Review of Books
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