Enriching the Islamic Tradition in Research Inquiry by Adlina Ariffin

Enriching the Islamic Tradition in Research Inquiry by Adlina Ariffin from  in  category
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Author: Adlina Ariffin
ISBN: 9789674454869
Publisher: INTHOUGHT
File Size: 6.61 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Al-Qur’an is revealed to us as a book of hidayah (divine guidance).  There are two ways of gaining hidayah (Alias & Noor, 2010; Awang, 2003).  First, by studying ayat al-maqru’ah (the readable signs) which are the Qur’an (an its interpretations in the Sunnah) – also known as ayat qawliah (the verbal signs) or shari`atullah (Allah’s law in His book).  Second, by studying ayat al-manzurah (the observable signs) which are the physical and social phenomena – also known as ayat kawniyyah (the natural signs) or sunnatullah (Allah’s law in nature).  The challenge for Muslim social scientists is to integrate these two in a harmonious way because both come from one source i.e. Allah (SWT). The general simple rule is to refer to the Shari`ah when it comes to ghaybiyyat (unseen) phenomena, and to refer to science when it comes to observable phenomena. This is correct at a minimal level, but this does not help in the Islamisation of human knowledge, and the integration between the social sciences and the Islamic heritage – guided by revealed knowledge. We should aim so that social science research contributes to Islamisation in a meaningful way, and at the same time, Islamic studies research makes use of scientific research methods.            


A must have for every postgrad students!
by Nazatul Akmar MOKHTAR on April 14, 2021

This book will take you into the journey of discovering, understanding and appreciating qualitative research better and enlighten you on what Islam has to say about the act of doing research.

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