GO FOR GOLD With Your Writing: A Practical Self-Guide To Writing Gold-Winning Sentences by Ifeoma Okoye

GO FOR GOLD With Your Writing: A Practical Self-Guide To Writing Gold-Winning Sentences by Ifeoma Okoye from  in  category
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Author: Ifeoma Okoye
ISBN: 9781912022564
File Size: 7.84 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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GO FOR GOLD With Your Writing shows you how to write gold-winning sentences, sentences that are error-free, clear, concise, varied, and mature. The book shows you, step-by-step, how to construct basic sentences, which form the backbone of all sentences, and how to expand basic sentences by modification, subordination, and coordination, thereby turning them into the kind of sentences that mature writers use in their writing.


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