Earth Bound by Avril Sabine

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Title: Earth Bound
Author: Avril Sabine
Category: General Novel
ISBN: 9781925617351
File Size: 3.47 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Nineteen-year-old Brianne has always dreamed of leading a squad. The one thing she has no control over is holding her back. Like the Caelians' mortal enemies, the Terstens, she's earth bound. Sacred Law demands her death by her twentieth birthday.

Twenty-one year old Talon is the son of the Terstens' General. Three years ago he quit the army. He can't tell anyone why he abandoned his life long dream. His secret could end the lives of him and his family.

Both societies revolve around their armies, believing the other race caused the centuries long war. When circumstances bring Brianne and Talon together, they start to learn the real truth may lie beyond the Feronian Mountains, which haven't been crossed in centuries.

This story was written by an Australian author using Australian spelling.


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