The Creativity Bible by Joan Grace Amira

"Are you ready to boost your creativity to the stratosphere?"
Do you want to learn how to find inspiration and be more creative? Or, do you want to improve your creativity muscles? If so, then check out this new book, The Creativity Bible! This book has everything you need to learn how to summon your creativity, and improve it. This book explains the science behind how creativity happens, and gives you the tools and techniques you can do to improve it, and thus achieve your goals in life and career.
This book will teach you everything you need to know about creativity and the many ways to unleash your inner genius. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to start unleash your creativity by reading the The Creativity Bible.
In this book you'll learn about:
Creativity defined
Binaural beats
Flash of inspiration
How does imagination work?
Putting your creative ideas on paper
Where to get creative inspiration?
Be a wide reader
Think about the past
Ask creative questions
Do you consider yourself a creative person?
Writing prompts
Think outside the box
The connection between happiness and creative thinking
Further tips to boost creativity
The six-hats technique
Become original
The snowball effect
The Psychology of Inspiration
Inspired action
The source of creativity is inspiration
And much, much, more!
Get your copy today!
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