መልካም አዳር፣ የእኔ ፍቅር Sweet Dreams, My Love by Shelley Admont

መልካም አዳር፣ የእኔ ፍቅር Sweet Dreams, My Love by Shelley Admont from  in  category
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Author: Shelley Admont
Category: Teen Novel
ISBN: 9781998507122
File Size: 1.95 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
(price excluding SST)


የመኝታ ሰዓት ደርሷል፣ ነገር ግን አሊስ አሁን መተኛት አልፈለገችም። እማዬ የመኝታ ሰዓት ተግባራቷን እና በእነዚያ ምሽት ያደረጓቸውን አስደሳች ነገሮች በማስታወስ ልጇን ታረጋጋለች። በለስላሳ እና በሚያረጋጋ መልኩ የተጻፈው ይህ መጽሃፍ፣ በአሊስ እና በእናቷ መካከል ያለውን ደስ የሚል እና ፍቅር ያለበት ግንኙነት ያሳያል፣ እንዲሁም ወጣት አንባቢዎችን ለጥሩ እንቅልፍ ያዘጋጃል።

Amharic English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids learning English or Amharic as their second language.

It’s time for bed, but Alice doesn’t want to go to sleep just yet. By going through her bedtime routine, Mom calms her daughter down by reminding her of all the wonderful things they did together that evening. Written in a soft and soothing manner, this book shows the warm and loving relationship between Alice and her mom, while preparing young readers for a goodnight’s sleep.


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