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The challenge in this book: Resource Guide for Church Planting and Growth; is to remind us of the special love that God has for the perishing multitudes. The growth of the Church is the heart-beat of God. The Church of God is in the world to offer illumination and a sense of direction that will bring perishing ones back to a Savior that cares. What is it that you need to change in your ministry? What is it you need to change in the perceptive of your Church? What is it that you have been doing for the last number of decades that you need to change? What structure in your Church needs to change? What things in your Church are hindering your moving out in a new dimension? The contents of this book provide the pre-requisites and practical guidelines for Church painting and growth, with in-depth analysis of modalities for Church planting and strategies for its growth and your interactions with materials contained in this book will be of immense
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