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This is the powerful story of a divine experiment to create a world based on love called Earth, designed to be a reflection of creation itself. A key focus of this experiment was to create a nation with a government of the people, by the people and for the people: The United States of America. The story of that experiment is told through the lives of three proxies serving creation. Two of the proxies are human; the third became an Ascended Master, St Germain, humanity's guide during this new 2000-year spiritual age of Aquarius. All three aspire to the same mission: that the United States and the entire world become full expressions of love, peace, equality, harmony and balance--in essence, reflections of creation itself. Now America's divine mission appears to be threatened by dark forces seeking to destroy the democratic foundations upon which this nation was built. Discover how the same energetic forces that helped create this nation are beginning to integrate that original founding energy into the people to "Refound" America's original divine mission to bring We consciousness to every human being on planet Earth. "America is the hope of humanity. It is the way-shower for the rest of the world. The destiny of America reflects the oneness destiny of the world." St Germain.
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