Are you an aphorisiac? You probably are but don’t realize it. An aphorism is a short pithy statement. And an aphorisiac is a lover of those statements. Everyone is an aphorist because every thought is an aphorism. We think, therefore we aphorize.
Aphorisms are usually thought of as the literary brevities found on a desk calendar. But aphorisms are changing. We are a society addicted to brevity, where the dot point has replaced the paragraph, the tweet has replaced the sentence, the email has replaced the letter, the blog has replaced the essay and the five second bite has replaced the speech. The aphorism is now center stage, no longer in the literary wings. We have become aphorisiacs.
This book is a collection of new aphorisms. Aphorisms have been freed, and in this collection the new aphorism appears. This is a modern tale of brevity, the Diary of an Aphorisiac. It is a modern book of the wisdoms of an observer. Just a sample:
All humans must be on a leash. It’s called democracy.
You cannot, but I can.
You will not, but I will.
You are, but I am not.
I, and I alone, am.
When the partial information you know becomes the full information you don’t know.
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