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Job Survival Today Pragmatic advice on job survival too often concentrates on merely looking good for your boss. Including being visible and networking, providing feedback and two way communication, raising solutions and not just problems, seeking personal development opportunities, and importantly, not being branded a moaner. But the challenges have now shifted pace, weight and direction. Job survival today is not just personal vibes with your employer. Nor is it limited to the relevance of what you do, or even how well you do it. Your attitude towards everyone you come into contact with is equally and demonstratively vital. This book could be titled – Job and Enterprise Survival Today. Fundamentally, does your performance contribute not only to your retention but also the survival, then success, of the enterprise that pays you? Enterprise failure overwhelmingly results from ineffective decision-making and implementation. With Job Survival Today you can help yourself and relevant decision-makers avoid making bad choices. You must assist the enterprise to take effective action. Your job survival depends on it. The content is applicable internationally, and highly valuable for salaried professional early to mid careerists. It also serves as vital preparatory and positioning advice for college students and recent graduates. With this investment via e-book mobility and with selected App use you can reinforce delivery of thoroughly practical sets of personal strengths. Keep Job Survival Today on tap and be welcomed as a constructive and valued player in increasingly challenging times. For you, and the enterprise, to survive you have to be.
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