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In this memoir of his late mother - who herself was ever ready to lend a helping hand to whoever was in need, regardless of how little she had - the author derives greater meaning from her last words to him, "Promise me, you will take care of your brother." This broadens the author's perspectives and approaches toward life and eventually makes him realize that not only his biological brother but also his brothers in humanity at large need his presence and involvement. The author believes that the last message that his mother left him has kept him motivated in all adversities of life and that divine intervention has also helped him along the way by orchestrating situations, events, and people that continue to help him better his own situations and then of those related or unrelated to him anyway. Overall, it is a well-written insightful book that helps us understand how ordinary people can have extraordinary impact in someone's life and how nothing happens by accident even if we don't understand it at times.
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