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Do you ever look around and see what an electronically saturated society we are? Go out to a restaurant and take a look around. The majority of us fill our lives with our cell phones, computer games and social media. My work and my experience personally and professionally lead me to propose that this society is out of balance. We are spending too much time on things that don’t matter (What I call “On Demand”fulfillment- social media, internet relationships, texting, video games ) and not enough time on things that do (connecting on a deeper emotional level, communicating face to face, enjoying the small gifts of life, setting and working toward goals, engaging our senses). Login to your life will describe these issues with case examples, and help you to identify where you may be impacted by the "On Demand" issues of today, from parenting, to relationships, to public drama and humiliation. It offers guidance in how to move forward, to include finding more meaningful ways to spend your time, to make your life more satisfying.
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