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Embark with Lucky and Led aboard a modern cruise ship and settle in for a Transatlantic voyage filled with mystery, romance and adventure. Lucky is the ship's chaplain who finds himself bound to a secret that is a real killer. Led, his friend, is forever seeking the perfect lady. Be careful what you seek! The female find of your life doesn't always work out the same way as in your fantasy. CRUISE TO MAYHEM is the debut novel in this cruise ship mystery series. Wear your motion sickness patch...it's going to be anything but smooth sailing. Murder, deception and intrigue are your unexpected companions. All does not go smoothly, especially with the senior officers in whom you have placed your greatest trust. Unexpected twists and turns involving romance, smuggling, murder, undisclosed identities, all stemming from a WWII Nazis plot. Throw in a bit of humor and you have the makings of a great read which will entertain you without demanding a huge amount of your reading time.
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