This study is progressive and builds over 52 weeks. Each week you are provided techniques and methods to create an on-going connection to Spirit, your Higher Self, God, or whatever you wish to call it. The name matters not; it is the designation we work toward. This Vast Spiritual energy is transformative, non-judgmental, non-resistant, wise, open, free, and powerful. It is not a personality, but an energy, essence, and state of being or consciousness.
We have this Expansiveness within us. We all have it. When you see a baby, you see purity and Light emanating from him/her. That Light is Spirit, shining through. It radiates out in the form of Love and expression. We have that same Light and Love, yet we become distracted and forget. We get busy with goals, things to do, and various disruptions, and we forget to look within and seek that Light. Yet, it has never disappeared and never will. It is there for you to experience, and I will show you how to do that.
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