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Experience this Revelation and Watch your Relationship with God Soar! Through this straight-forward and Scripture-rich book, you will… • Discover how religion can use the Bible to rob you of security, joy, and power. • Lift the veil of the “law” so you can see clearly that grace can never be lost. • Learn how Scriptures that seem to contradict grace are actually being misunderstood, misinterpreted, or mistranslated. • Bask in the warmth of God’s never-ending goodness and in the vast riches of your inheritance. • Minister in the love and supernatural power of Jesus. “For something that has been the foundation of my faith for over 30 years, it's amazing how much I learned about grace in this book. Derek skillfully takes Bible passages that we have found a way to complicate, and humbly brings us back to the heart of the text. Whether you're a seasoned follower of Jesus looking to better understand God's greatest gift or someone newly exploring what it means to be forgiven and set free by God, I think you will find your own story in these pages.” - Chris Coli, Senior Pastor, CrossWinds Church “Derek does a masterful job of revealing the hidden treasures of God’s grace and love that can be found within even the most “troubling” passages in the Bible. The insights he shares will help you break through the chains of fear and performance to discover the tender heart your heavenly Father has towards you. Allow your spirit to drink it in.” - Brent R. Lokker, Pastor and Author, Daddy, You Love Me: Living in the Approval of Your Heavenly Father
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