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A new assignment, The Violet Capsule leads Bard to Julia, Benji, Rajan, Rafael and Randi who became friends and foes. Bard is accused of murdering his girlfriend, Natasha, in Singapore and only left with a key to solve the mystery. Now, a fugitive with a new identity, he joins K-4, an investigation unit under KH Intelligence and is assigned to work on a case called The Violet Capsule. This leads him to Julia ; the girl who knows all the answers. Rafael, the leader of The Black Crows and KH Intelligence has an agenda, and so does his son, Randi. Will his K-4 team-mates, Benji and Rajan give a helping hand in times of need? Is Julia a worthy friend? The Violet Capsule is a story about friendship and love in the midst of an exciting mystery.
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