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STUFFology 101 is for those us who want to #de-clutter without being featured on reality TV. We can still use our bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen, but we harbor secrets. 1. Do you race around to pick up piles when someone's at the door? 2. Do you close the door to hide your stuff in the spare room? 3. Do you still have boxes to unpack from your last move a dozen years ago? 4. Are you unable to focus because your mind is so frazzled? STUFFologists Brenda Avadian and Eric Riddle share four decades of experience dealing with STUFF--uhhh, clutter. Inside STUFFology 101, you'll find FUN and FLEXIBLE approaches to get your mind out of what YOU DEFINE as CLUTTER. After decades of dealing with clutter, Avadian and Riddle help YOU to declutter the Cluttergories in your life--Physical, Mental, Digital, Temporal, and Sensual. Funny, serious, and humbling stories are woven with tips to help you clear the toxic clutter out of your life. BRENDA AVADIAN, MA author of nine books, was raised by a mother who could not say no to a free offer and a father who had "spare parts for everything." She took steps to reduce the cycle of clutter in her life as she learned to let go. "It's mine!" ERIC RIDDLE would say while holding onto his children's stuff for many years. Once he defined his clutter, he discovered that getting his mind out of the clutter is an ongoing process. At the end of your life, what will matter most - -THINGS or PEOPLE? Are you ready to manage the STUFF in your life? STUFFology 101: Get Your Mind Out of the Clutter STUFFology101.com
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