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Nearly all of the preeminent explorers, settlers, Founding Fathers, and those who came after them, are on record as believing in God's Providential involvement in the discovery and establishment of the United States of America. Due either to neglect or design, too many of those facts haven't been taught in our public schools for several decades. Because of that lack of teaching, large numbers of modern Americans are woefully ill-informed regarding their glorious history, an important subject where the future security and direction are concerned. What has been taught has often been history revised to advance the agenda of people and organizations with questionable political motives. Anyone reading "The Role of Providence in the Founding of America" will know more accurate early American history than most of their fellow citizens including those charged with teaching it to our children. In ninety-nine short chapters it covers over four hundred years of formative American history from 1492 to 1899. When contemplating our future, it is a good idea to remember these words of Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States: "A wholesome regard for the memory of the great men of long ago is the best assurance to a people of a continuation of great men to come, who shall be able to instruct, to lead, and to inspire. A people who worship at the shrine of true greatness will themselves be truly great."
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