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Look no further - this book is going to help you lose weight and stay slim! How? Because Fiona did it herself, her own way, keeping slim for eight years, even though she loves her food and wine! This book is going to show you how you can do it too. Losing weight can seem like a mountain in front of you that is too difficult to climb. There is fear of hunger, grief for food you can't eat, impatience because you want to be slim NOW and worry because of failing yourself, or others, yet again. You want to wake up in the morning and be slim, yet because you know that cannot happen, you dither about making the decision to take that first step onto the mountain and start your journey. You've probably been telling yourself you will do it at some point in the future, but it never happens and you continue your search for some miraculous way for you to be slim. There are no miracles for weight loss - not anywhere. This book will help you start and continue your journey to lose it - slowly and for good! This book is certainly not a diet book, but instead teaches people respect for great tasting healthy food and the positive results of eating the right kind of food, in correct quantities for their individual bodies. Thin Thoughts For Life will help you get back in control of your body, mind, thoughts and your attitude to food, so that you can finally lose that weight. Under all that extra weight is the slim, sexy you - the you before you gained that weight. Fiona was able to find herself again and she can help you find yourself again too. A "must read" for anyone who has weight problems.
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