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This volume chronicles the words from God Almighty spoken to his servant, Gloria, for the past decade and prior. They were sent to the government in Washington, D.C. and to Spiritual Leaders of these United States at the times they were spoken. Many have not yet come to pass, but most assuredly know this, that these grave warnings, shall most definitely be executed, even as the whirlwinds, anthrax, ricin, 9/11 plane bombs exploding into our civilization and many other such predictions were Foretold, Chronicled and sent to Washington prior to their execution! Included also some major current events and breaking news, as well as, expose’ of government over-reach and demagoguery. Wonderfully included is the miraculous expounding and releasing of Healings, Deliverances, Majestic Glories and Goodness of our Lord Himself. Truly an Almanac of The Almighty and His glorious graciousness to the people as He speaks His Heart. Revealing tyranny against Freedom; Spiritual Warfare, Praises, Adoration, Unveiling of Worship and Award- winning Poetry. Forgiveness, Restoration, Enlightenment and Understanding in the Releasing of Heartaches and Hells.
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