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My name is Mike Belvedere. I am 43 years old. I am married to my wife Christina. We have been married for 18years. We share life with our three children Parry, Michael Jr., and Elizabeth. I have always been a spiritual man. Prayer has been a regular part of my life for as long as I can remember. I was born into the Roman Catholic faith. While I have come to understand no one religion can hold truth as its trophy, I continue to be an active member of this organized faith. One day a few years ago I prayed to God asking for the gift of WISDOM. I wanted to know answers to some life questions that up to that point in my life were only vague comprehensions. Questions such as; • Why am I here? • What is my purpose for being here? • Have I been here before? • Do I get to come back if I want to? • Am I doing the right thing? • Was I living a righteous life He would approve of? • Was I on course to earn my place in heaven? • Where is heaven anyway? • When my wife and I die will we still be husband and wife? • Was my religion the right one? • Was the God I prayed to the right one? • How accurate is the story of Jesus? • Was I offending Him by asking? • Why is peace on earth not here yet? • Was it ok to ask for assistance in acquiring abundant love, peace, joy, confidence, health and wealth? • Is it wrong to want? There were a few more questions but this book is not about the questions. This book is about the wisdom sent which provided a channel to the knowing I sought. Wisdom has helped me understand answers to some questions I proposed evolve and morph vs. having the black or white type response I expected. I did not think acquired wisdom would have challenged me so, but it did….rocking me to my core at times. The WISDOM sent to me comes with a request that it be shared. With that said, I present to you the response to my prayer for WISDOM, Tidbits of Glory.
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