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A man and I worked together several years ago. Every morning when he woke up the first thing he would do was reach for his can of chewing tobacco. He told me that he wished that he could quit using it. He said that he was scared that he would get cancer. He even had a couple of sores in his mouth. He admitted that he had tried to quit chewing tobacco many times but he couldn’t do it. About that same time I was actually in process of writing this book. Sometimes, when I finished a chapter or two I would bring them with me while I was on the road and work on them. I would let my friend read what I had completed and we would talk about it. When the contractor we worked for ran out of work we both got laid off and we went our separate ways. But, as God would have it, our paths crossed about a year later. He could hardly contain himself as he told me that he no longer was chewing tobacco. I’ll never forget his answer when I asked him how he did it. He smiled and said, “It was easy, I just did what you said in your book.” On one of my trips to the local super center, I met a man who had a table set up at the entrance to the store. He was part of a ministry that worked with recovering alcohol and drug addicts. There goal was to get them saved and free from their addiction. As I spoke to this man I felt like the Holy Spirit was telling me to give him my book. I gathered up all the books that I had with me and gave them to this man. A couple of years later, I saw this same man there at the store entrance once again. He recognized me immediately, even though we had only met briefly that one day. I asked him how he liked the book. He said that he loved it. They had been using it for the last two years at the ministry for a teaching tool, when they ministered to the addicts they worked with. They were having great success using Gods Principles For Tearing Down Strongholds, in getting people free from their addictions.
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