Our changing world views, creates or destroys man’s concept of Gods & Goddesses.
“The act of creation is hard.” - Gregory Chaitin
“Nature’s laws are man’s creation.” - Moris Klein
“Discovering a new explanation is inherently an act of creativity.” - David Deutsch
The challenges of life help us grow intellectually and push us to see the larger world with new eyes. Old family clans gathering into ever larger groups expand our language skills enabling us to share new creative ideas. Our history is complete with these cycles of growth and Gods. Note:
As an example, in the Stone Age we find man with primitive language skills and limited living areas – giving rise to his creation of the many minor woodland spirits whose attributes contribute to the fortunate or unfortunate hunt, to the advent of thunder and rain needed or not, and to all the events uncontrolled by man.
Time passes with new levels of understanding; increased needs pushed man, plus lucky happenstances along with his hi-tech tool making skills, supplied to all interested parties and this author, via the printed word and scientific web sites, all the material needed to assemble seemingly unrelated facts into one complete picture describing the creation of our Universe changing man’s concept of the spirit world.
It is very easy, using NASA and other equivalent sources, to demonstrate how dark energy, described in this eBook, found in pre-existing space, supplies the power required by atoms to function and how this same dark energy power converged, setting off the Big Bang’s Explosive conversion of dark energy into matter as demonstrated by the Stanford Linear Accelerator in ’97.
This 21st century’s assembly of the latest findings leads to the conclusion, that before the Big Bang, we find a tremendous amount of dark energy filling an unlimited space for an unbelievable amount of time, could this be the domain of God?
Enjoy this exploration of our Universe.
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