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Dancing Past the Dark: Distressing Near-Death Experiences, the first comprehensive exploration of disturbing NDEs and how people interpret them, is packed with solid information and first-person narratives that, although marked by dismaying and even terrifying features, turn out to have something vital to say about life itself. Sweeping from research findings to a review of the cultural evolution of hell through a thoughtful analysis of how individuals interpret and ascribe meaning to their near-death experiences, the author, a longtime researcher of these NDEs, brings study data and years of personal insights to the questions that swirl around the topic, providing a wealth of viewpoints and ways of thinking about the subject that will be new to many readers. “Engagingly written,” as one reviewer says, the book’s breadth makes this a landmark in the near-death literature, must reading for anyone curious about NDEs, especially readers wondering how to make sense of such an experience and caregivers in critical care, pastoral, therapeutic, and end-of-life settings.
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