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A PHILOSOPHICAL DIALOGUE a new and unifying theory of our world that goes beyond present-day science and religion A WHOLLY BEHAVIORAL WORLD WHERE PHYSICAL APPEARANCE IS BUT A BYPRODUCT OF REPRODUCING BEHAVIOR PATTERNS after all, what really is the notion of God WE SHOULD IDENTIFY THE EMPEROR, NOT HIS CLOTHES NOR THE OTHER WAYS IN WHICH HIS GRANDEUR IS TRANSMITTED a new, participative and increasingly articulated relationship with Nature is bound to replace established theories about the divine HUMAN ORGANIZATIONS AND THEIR LEADERS HAVE A HABIT OF SEEKING REFUGE IN THE VERY CAVE OF BEHAVIOR PATTERNS THAT THEY HELP ESTABLISH still treating organizations as contraptions rather than as phenomena of behavior-pattern emergence, many believe that an organization can be made to function better just by tweaking its dials THE path of Emzine EXPLAINS ALL PHENOMENA OF EXISTENCE AS EMERGENT BEHAVIOR PATTERNS it allows us to relate diverse forms of existence and compare apples to apples whatever the
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