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The forward of this book is by Karl LaRowe, MA, LCSW, International speaker and consultant on compassion fatigue. He, like others, recognizes that we all can use a little more relaxation. Learn the 5 secrets to solving problems and relaxing. Reduce your worry and be healthier. Find beauty in your life and and take a new perspective on what is right with your life. Hold on to positive thoughts and change your self-talk. You will feel much better and you will learn from your stress instead of letting it wear you down. This amazing guided journal allows you to read a lesson and then add your own thoughts and ideas. Follow the steps to solve the stickiest problems. Dr. Kathy has over 30 years experience as a psychotherapist. Now you can now be guided by her experience to solve YOUR problems and relax. Take this extremely helpful journey with her. You can add her relaxation CD or MP3 for even greater results.
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