What if a dragon wants to speak to you directly? What if that dragon promises real magic, and promises that if you look deep into the story you will begin to see with dragon eyes (prism vision)? Would you believe the serpent in the garden?
The Beveled Edge is a novel of a young woman, Mira, whose world is dying. To save her friends she must secretly lead them into another world with the help of a Dragon Eyestone. To keep the new world solid, no one can suspect her of using magic.
The story opens with a Dragon narrator who tells the reader that if one finishes listening to the story, he or she will discover real magic. The dragon promises a true story, but warns that it will interrupt the narration with “dragon speak,” comments and quotes from philosophers and scientists found in the Dragon Seer Archives. In the end the reader learns to “be aware,” learns about real magic, and how to “stay awake” in the dream.
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