Embracing God in the Right Perspective with the Right Foundation of Faith in Him by Chris Tham

Knowledge without God is not the Truth. Only Truth leads us to the meaning of life as the power of life is in God. God is the everlasting Truth. Faith without understanding of Faith is an unfinished work in Faith.
Each and everyone of us needs to discover our true identity of who we are before we could truly inherit the fullness of life as we desire to live a life filled with gifts in fullest measure of Peace, Love and Joy in our hearts now and forevermore.
The objective of this Book is not to put down any religious beliefs, teachings, laws and practices we embrace. Its intention is to discover who we are in the spiritual realm and how our identity relates to God, who is our Creator and Master of this universe, and how this Father and Child relationship gives us freedom of Peace, which is the ultimate goal in humanity with an assured destiny of eternal life in the kingdom of God.
God loves you. Jesus loves you. Amen. Each and every living soul in the history of mankind is a child of God. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Blood and flesh do not inherit the kingdom of God. Conquering Jerusalem is likened to men's attempts to attain divinity and righteousness with the might and knowledge of the flesh. Such repeated feats as recorded throughout the history of mankind would never bring down the kingdom of God from heaven to earth. Our Heavenly Father is a God of Peace, Love and Harmony. He is not a God of War, Hatred and Division.
Misguided beliefs and biblical misinterpretations through religious laws of men in the flesh had inflected countless and senseless innocent bloodsheds upon mankind. Walking with faith in the flesh is knowledge. Walking with faith in the spirit is truth. All men shall be born again of the Word of God which is full of truth and grace, to fully embrace God and live eternally in His divine Truth and Spirit. The Word of God is embedded in all men as each man is born with a given measure of faith in the Word of God.
I humbly express this Book as the priceless companion guide in studying the Word of God that shall bring forth healing to all souls throughout the nations on earth. All glory be unto our Father God.
This Book shall serve as good text material for interfaith dialogue. It is the preordained duty of believers in Christ to share the Gospel of Light to members of other beliefs with understanding and love.
This Book contains end times prophecy. The future middle eastern war is coming soon! The return of Chris is a certainty. Amen. Hope this Book would bring forth abundance of insightful revelations and joyful enlightenment in your heart and soul. Be very blessed within His presence of gracious embrace and enjoy reading it. In Christ and through Christ, we all live again. God bless. Jesus loves all of you. Amen!
This Book is a divine guideline not only for those who believe in God, but also for the non- believers. Honestly speaking, this is my first experience reading a book related to religions and beliefs. It has enlightened my wisdom and vision. Along with sacred belief, this book addressed many socio-economic issues such as unequal distribution of wealth, poverty, freedom of religious activities and so on. Each chapter occupied vast scale of knowledge. Particularly, all arguments and discussions were detailed after great research. With each point, addressed in this book, the author documented evidences in the light of divine truth along with historical events. The author not only explicates who God is, but he also reckons the presence of God with facts and research. Whenever we talk about God the question arises who the devil is? In chapter 2, author clearly and precisely documented it. In chapter 3, the author pinpointed about global harmony & peace, that is what the world needs to improve the current scenario. Furthermore, differentiating knowledge from truth, along with clear definition of truth (by connecting it with faith) made this chapter more interesting and enlightening. Usage of quotations and empirical examples replicate intellectual vision of the author and that was quite informative and helpful. All the arguments and discussions are not just his opinion, but these points were made after great research and hard work. This Book stands not only on visionary ground, usage of biblical references with empirical evidences made, it is capable to stand on realistic ground too. The thing that is quite impressive is that author did not say anything abusive against any specified nation or religion. Yet, chapter 5 and 7 contain some points that are against my religion. But in sum, I am quite impressed with the author’s ideology. In chapter 6, it elaborated about evil spirits. Chapter 7 is about trinity of God, though in conflict with Islamic ideology. In chapter 8, it discussed about the after life, the life after death. It is a crystal clear fact that every living being will die one day. So, what happens next? It is a question that usually arises in our mind. In this chapter the author documented it very well. Primary aim of this book is to spread the knowledge and research based facts. At several points, in this book, the author pursued and reckoned the importance of harmony and peace. I strongly recommend you all to read it. Specially to those who want to find an aim or peace in life, must read it. Thanks. Khizra PhD scholar, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Pakistan
This is not just a book, but rather a pool of blessings. It is a spiritually enriched resource aimed not only to educate but also to remind us that God is the King and that His love for us is eternal. The author transverses different verses, stories, and biblical figures to explain varying issues and how they relate to our spiritual lives. Unlike many other books, this is not just a descriptive essay filled with direct quotations and paraphrased content; rather, it is one of the most analytical explorations that I have ever encountered in the theological realm. The author is immensely knowledgeable in the topic and uses that knowledge to enrich us more about God, ourselves, and our world. It was hard deciding on which single factor to use in choosing the winning chapter. It was not an easy task, as I felt different chapters blessed me differently. After some deep reflection, I would say that chapter 13 is my favorite one. First, it reminds us about calling unto God whenever we need him (considering the covid-19 pandemic, this is one of the times we need God most), and it also reminds us that God always has good thoughts about us. The chapter also reminds us about our identity; and the purpose of our existence on earth; something which I feel many people seldom understand. Besides, the chapter explores areas that I feel the world needs right now such as redemption and cleansing. It is a chapter full of blessings since most of what it explores is related to our contemporary society and the things we are facing in the current time, as well as the steps that we should take to bring ourselves back to the right lane. This book has been a real blessing to me, and its impact on my life goes beyond the religious realm. It goes over and beyond to talk about the things which matters most to us and provides us with a channel to embrace God in our lives. Chapter 14 (Alpha and Omega) was one of the most blessing chapters due to the context of its topic. The chapter was unique in a way that it was both thought-provoking and answer-giving. It posed some debatable and controversial questions that people have regarding God and Christianity, and then went ahead to provide a logic analysis and explanation of those issues. It provides an exploration and discussion about God’s existence (both in the physical and spiritual realm), our truthful identities as children of God, baptism of the Holy Spirit, Christianity vs Judaism and Islam, reincarnation, Revelation, and much more. Despite these are among the most controversial topics in the religion realm, the author was able to explore them in a manner that was not only deeply informative but also logically sensible. God bless! God truly loves us. Amen.
I have yet to read a book that more accurately, comprehensively, and gently portrays Christ's heart than Chris Tham's. I was impacted in different ways in different portions as if listening to a beautiful symphony, but I left each feeling enormously grateful to know that what was being depicted was the heart of my Savior, my Lord, my Friend, and my Redeemer. I can't imagine anyone in God's family who wouldn't benefit from spending time witnessing Jesus' heart through the eyes of such a wonderful guide. This book is a true gem among the many religious books available. Its goal is to give good text material for interfaith discourse amongst Christians, Moslems, Jews, Taoists, Buddhists, and Hindus, among others. It reminds us that it is believers' preordained duty to communicate the Gospel of Light with followers of other faiths with compassion and love. Chris Tham provided a study guide for modern folks to use when studying God's Word. Both believers and non-believers will find his fourteen-chapter book to be a gem. The book is more than any other ordinary or conventional religion book—it's a new presentation of the same truths in everyday language. In addition, there are four aspects of the book that I particularly enjoyed. First and foremost, the book provides a wealth of amazing questions that we may utilize to assist ourselves and others uncover our actual identity in relation to God. For instance, it employs a lot of guiding questions in the first chapter, and all of the content in the subsequent chapters is geared toward answering these questions. Second, this book could not have come at a better time at this point in my life. Finding myself dealing with many teenagers in youth ministry who struggle with their identities, this book helped me put a lot of things in the right perspective and also start to implement some practical changes in my life. For instance, the author put case studies in the form of options or use notable people in the world and examined it from the biblical perspectives to better illustrate what he wants to say and help us as readers on how to practically implement the ideas within the book which will hopefully help us to make the right decision in our everyday life. Last but not least, this is a comprehensive book! It covers all important aspects that we have to understand, such as about God, ourselves, the devil, the afterlife, God’s chosen people, and our purpose in life. This book helps us to understand our origin, purpose of life, and where we are heading when we are facing death. Overall, this book is captivating for reading, not only for its intellectual rigor and exquisite writing but also for its honest, empathic humanity. Readers will be masterfully taken on a journey that entails their confronting not only Christianity but also themselves—their worldviews, hopes, fears, failures, and search for identity and satisfaction—and, finally, encountering Christ as the entirely trustworthy source of life as God intends it to be. This is a book that I enthusiastically recommend! In conclusion, it's a 5/5 stars book. This book's insights are a river of mercy pouring from God's throne, through biblical truth, and into priceless and effective ministry for today. All honor and glory to our heavenly Father! Ryan Oktapratama Bachelor of Education, Corban University Christ Chapel Manado Manado, Indonesia
I received this Book from my good friend who often recommended good quality spiritual books. So I undoubtedly and excitedly started reading this Book. Just when I started reading it, he asked me to translate it into Indonesian Malay language. I agreed to it. Translating is not a new thing for me since I have translated many of Andrew Wommack's teachings. Like always, I read the whole thing first before translation, so that I understood the big picture of what the author was trying to say. I was in awe at how detailed and accurate the author was in expressing abstract, difficult concepts of spirituality into a simple yet easy to understand kind of writings. By translating this Book, I could enjoy and appreciate his writing more. I strongly recommend and encourage both Christians and non Christians to read this Book since there are lots of mind blowing facts and truths that will change people's perspectives about God. Words are not enough to express and explain how blessed I am by this Book. Every chapters connect and flow like a river that brings us to a correct understanding about God. Chris, I do not know if you are an experienced author or if this is your first time writing, but I believe this Book must be inspired and led by the Holy Spirit. And I strongly believe it will bless a lot of readers. Y. Endroe, Pastor of GKPB Masa Depan Cerah, Palembang-Indonesia
A beautifully written and informative look at the Christian faith, unlike any other that I have come across before. It is a knowledgeable and exploratory read, that not only takes you through the scriptures with personal development but delves into the depths of history and explores God’s influence and place in events across the globe. It is a book you can turn to time after time for guidance or direction on subjects as you should meet them. I really feel this is a book to not be just read once as the wealth of knowledge and devotion it expresses means that you will find something new each and every time you pick it up. I really liked that it explores other religions and their views in contrast to the authors, and he explains with evidence and explanation the thought process behind his take on events that surround us and situations you may find yourself in. The questions addressed are frequently asked, Chris provides broad and thorough detail on these common queries. It really is an insightful and considered read. The extracts that support the views are explained and supported very well and I feel that after reading I have a far better grasp on the subject than before I started and understand the reasoning behind the beliefs clearly. It is a brilliant for anyone; someone who may want to understand more, someone who may want to explore more, compare views, explain events and understand. The diagrams, in a flow chart style are a great visual to break down information. Every effort has been made to make this as informative and accessible as possible. A really inspiring and thought provoking book, that would prove invaluable to anyone exploring their links and relationship to God. Danni Williams, book blogger, editor, English literature critic - UK
This Book is intended to remind mankind that God's love for us is eternal. It is a good step towards salvation, and finding one's place in the world. The book does not just include many Bible excerpts, but expands on them to help them be understood by the average person. A Man consists of three parts: spirit, soul and body (flesh). Put the spirit first and there is enlightenment in one's heart and mind. When one satisfies the gratifications of the flesh, the person is in trouble. The old saying goes: "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." I must not be "ready" because I had a very hard time "getting" this book. I do not mean to suggest that this is a bad book, because it isn't. For anyone who is looking for a closer relationship with God, or who just needs a spiritual "jumpstart", this book is truly amazing and enlightening, and well worth reading. (4 to 4 1/2 stars).
Comprehensively reading through this book "Embracing God In The Right Perspective With The Right Foundation of Faith In Him" I felt the strong relationship between the author and God. No doubt, readers will have a lot of questions in mind, but reading through to the end will eliminate those questions, with in-depth display and portray of divine knowledge on diverse topics.This powerful book contains not just scriptural insights but spiritual truth and information in being right with God. The author rightly aligned scriptures, from both the Old Testament and the New Testament, with the objective of the book, which is to assist readers discover their true identity of who they are in the spiritual realm and how their identity relates to God.The book began with two pertinent questions; who is God to you? And who are you to God? These questions show that each and everyone of us needs to discover our true identity before we can live a meaningful life expected of us. Bro Chris Tham in this book, corrected wrong biblical beliefs by showing more about true existences of God, the creation account, why we are here and how we can have a closer relationship with God. Reading through the story of devil (serpent) in chapter two shows the in-depth understanding of the author.The gain on having the Biblical truth on salient topics such as evil spirits, law, sin, life, judgment, salvation and resurrection, the divine nature of Godhead etc. I humbly recommend this masterpiece as the priceless companion guide in the study of the Word of God, because I was impacted with spiritualintelligence and understanding reading it. Finally, bro Chris discussed in-depth comparison of major bible characters and the meaning and purpose of life. This book is truly a treasure to desire for spiritual growth and challenge for all. Felix Solotan Christian Writer Church of Christ Nigeria
This Book is one of the most comprehensive books to get to lead us the right way of God. It is intended to remind humanity that God’s love for us is eternal. It is a good step towards salvation and finding one’s place in the world. The author transverses different verses, stories, and biblical figures to explain varying issues and how they relate to our spiritual lives. Unlike many other books, this is not a descriptive essay filled with direct quotations and paraphrased content; instead, it is one of the most analytical explorations I have ever encountered in the theological realm. The author is immensely knowledgeable in the topic and uses that knowledge to enrich us more about God, ourselves, and our world. Every living soul in the history of humanity is a child of God. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. The glory of God shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of God had spoken it. To be honest, this Book is rather long and detailed, but that quickly becomes irrelevant once you begin reading and realize how much it reveals about God and our relationship with Him. This is a blessing read that everyone should read, whether they believe in God or not. I humbly express this Book as an invaluable companion guide in studying the Word of God. This Book talks about the religious beliefs and knowledge on the devil and evil spirits. I really like the way the Book explains everything going to the Book of Isaiah, and also the explanation talk about the divine truth going to the Book of John 1:1-5. God loves you. Jesus loves you. Amen. Victor, St Martin In The Fields Trafalgar Square, London, England WC2N4
It is a book that educates on spirituality, especially as a Christian. In this book, Chris Tham makes us understand that knowledge without God is not the truth. It covers all the important aspects that we have to understand and answers questions such as, who is God? Who are you? Who is the devil? It also helps us understand what knowledge is and what truth is. The author also teaches us about sin, death, judgement, end time prophecy and so much more. It is a book mixed with both intellectual and spiritual wisdom. It awakens the reader to a lot of things about our spirituality with references from the Bible. The author’s objective seems to be to clearly point out the incorrect perspective of God that leads to ignorance of God, which the author feels weakens the believers. The author clearly understands who God is and does a fantastic job of passing some of that knowledge along to us. Chris Tham did an amazing job with this book. He did so well to put so much knowledge and wisdom on each page of the book that you have no option but to enjoy each sentence. It is written in simple English, which makes it easy to read and understand. I love and appreciate how the author answers and explains the questions in some of the chapters. I also love the biblical stories and references and how they bring more life to the book. Chapter 3 is my favourite. I got to learn the distinction between knowledge and truth and also the teachings of Lao Tzu. This book is, as the author stated at the beginning, a priceless companion guide to studying the Word of God. Embracing God In The Right Perspective With The Right Foundation of Faith In Him is a beautiful work of art. There are no negative aspects to the book, and it was exceptionally well edited as I found no errors while reading it.I gladly rate this book 4 out of 4 stars because it is filled with information and the author did an excellent job of making it interesting to read and learn from. It was properly edited and the ideas flowed well. I totally enjoyed reading it. I recommend this Book to all who enjoy books on spirituality as it explains a lot about God, who we are, the devil, and the crucial steps towards salvation and discovering one’s true purpose in this present world. I also recommend it to anyone who wants to learn what the Bible has to say about some important things. This book is best enjoyed when read with patience. Reviewed by Online Book Club Org.
Everyone is born with a measure of faith in the word of God. But to fully embrace him in the right aspect, we have first to understand who he is and who we are to him. Embracing God in the Right Perspective with the Right Foundation of Faith in Him by Chris Tham is a faith-based work of non-fiction ready to delve you into the spiritual realm while taking a glimpse into the fundamental aspects of our present-day beliefs. The book is packed with insightful interpretations of the scriptures to trigger a transformation in both believers’ and non-believers’ hearts. Chris incredibly distinguishes between knowledge and truth. He explains that truth leads us to the meaning of life and that it is knowledge with enlightenment from God. On the same note, he emphasizes that in as much as it is the will of God for man to be like him in deeds and thoughts, seeking knowledge without his divination would result in separation from his spirit in man. The author explains the application and meaning of this ideology in the modern world. This is just one of the many beautiful, well-thought basic arguments in this Christian text that takes you through a personal development journey with a well-laid technique. The text is a fourteen-chapter work of art geared towards offering well-balanced arguments. Each topic is introduced with a thought-provoking subject. The chapters have insightful guiding questions that are comprehensively answered in the teachings, which are reinforced with significant Bible excerpts. These provided a definitive source for the answers and avoided confusion. Additionally, they encouraged my reading experience to have a more profound meaning. The text also provides wonderful guidance for personal development through fundamental growth tips on how one can confront their fears and failures. I appreciate the author's choice of contemporary contexts, experiences, and examples in his authorship. He gives comprehensive answers and provides the reader with a clear glimpse of his take on the events surrounding us. The text also adopted an excellent strategy in its presentation. Each chapter launches with a bold, well-underlined title. Additionally, the scripture’s main ideas are highlighted in uppercase letters and the crucial topics in red. This allowed the reader to ponder the major indications before the author's explanation. The author breaks down the complex spiritual concepts into an easy, concise piece of writing. The fourth chapter was my favorite and appealed to my spiritual being. I enjoyed the vivid graphical descriptions of the dimensions of man. I pondered on the valuable lessons, such as how man loses his knowledge of his divine nature after becoming outward-driven instead of inward-led. I commend the author’s relevant choice and accuracy in aligning the scriptures that served perfectly to guide the plot and explain the arguments he made. There is nothing I liked least in the text. The language used is simple enough for everyone to comprehend. In addition, the author remarkably gives inter-faith disclosure to all the major religions and provides an overview of where we are heading in life at the same time. I believe professional editing was applied in the production of this text since I came across zero errors. I wholeheartedly award the book five out of five stars for the reasons stated above. I recommend it to anyone searching for a new path to healing and anyone looking to have a closer relationship with God.
''Embracing God In The Right Perspective With The Right Foundation of Faith In Him'' by Chris Tham is a non-fictional Christia. The author made it clear, which is also reflected in the content of his book, that the aim of his writing was not to degrade other religious beliefs but to bring to our notice, as humans, the infinite mercy and love of God toward us. For me, I believe that making this clear is vital and can even encourage people with diverse religious perspectives to give it a try. In this book, the author walks readers through the spiritual realm and the intricacies of our spiritual beliefs in today's world. In a nutshell, I'd say that after reading this book, I got a new insight into God's eternal love for us. It is necessary to state that Chris Tham wrote this book in such a way that even a person new to Christianity can get a grasp and proper understanding of the aforementioned religion. The exploration was comprehensive and the core concepts were properly analyzed therein. Also, the use of examples and biblical references further buttressed the narratives explored. Are you searching for a book that extensively explores the Christian faith? Do you wish to unravel the evidence of God's love so that you can create a personal relationship with him? Look no further, this book is just the perfect read. I'd state that the chapter which resonated with me the most was chapter 14, titled "Alpha and Omega." This is more like leaving the best part of the book (of course, for me) at the end. This is because he answered the controversial and recurring question, "Does God exist?" in detail. He did this by extensively revealing the core existence of God in the physical and spiritual realms. As a Christian, I can now comfortably have meaningful conversations around shreds of evidence that emphasize that God created us and that he exists in full glory. I also came to realize that regardless of our religion, sexual orientation, or race, we are all children of God. The only thing that makes a difference is what personal relationship we eventually create with the Lord. I have thus accepted that indeed I need to let go of the shackles of sin and embrace Christ. In addition, due to the in-depth knowledge revealed in this book, I cannot help but have a deep reflection. Like the author did throughout this book, I subscribe to the fact that the first alphabet of phrases such as "His Word," "Christ Jesus," etc. should be written in capital letters. A good rule of thumb is that when you are using a term that can only refer to God or Jesus Christ, it should be capitalized. In summary, this book will appeal to Christians and open-minded people who wish to unravel who our maker is and his eternal love for us. As such, I highly recommend it to them.
Embracing God with the Right Perspective Foundation of Faith in Him is a book by Chris Tham that helps to simplify the Bible. The book was more analytical and broke down the Bible's teachings. It guides one through life with a better understanding of God through faith in him. It also acted as a medium through which the author preached salvation and good news to readers. When I saw the book's title, I thought it would be like a regular Christian novel that preached salvation, but I marveled at the technicality of the book. Yes, it preached salvation, but technically and practically, you would have had no choice but to be convinced. The book was practical, using evidence from the Bible and other books for an explanation. It is very well evident how knowledgeable the author is about the Bible. The book was well-researched as it contained quotations from the Bible and other books such as the Torah and the Quran. The book also contained word history and tales of historical figures that were fascinating and educational. It exposed hidden truth and meaning in spiritual matters. The book was educational and eye-opening. I discovered lots of facts, such as the meaning of Adam and more details on the persecution and eventual death of the Apostles. It gives answers to questions that people have always argued about, such as the question of physical water baptism and circumcision and their relevance to salvation, as well as others like why God allows the devil to live on and evil continues to thrive. The book also mentioned issues that affect our society, like poverty, inequality, war, and biology. It made the book's content relatable. However, there were a few things in the book that I saw as unnecessary. Most sentences were capitalized and used in different fonts and colors. I guess the author meant to emphasize these parts, but it was too much and made reading a bit stressful and confusing. The book also contained lots of Bible quotes and stories. I feel that some of these quotes and stories are very popular, and the author need not include them in detail. However, I enjoyed reading this book. I found only one error in the book, which shows that it was professionally edited. The book also revealed Bible prophecies so that a simple person would understand. I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars. It would have been perfect if not for the disturbing points noted above. I recommend this book to lovers of Christian books and Bible stories. Historians, scholars, and academics are also welcome to read it.
It is often difficult to understand God’s plan for us. The worst comes when we look at the society we live in today, where most of us do not wholly appreciate the scripture and cannot recognize the love of God for us despite our shortcomings. Embracing God In The Right Perspective With The Right Foundation of Faith In Him, by Chris Tham, is a reminder to us of the infinite and unconditional love God has for us. The author has not made this book like the conventional Christian nonfiction, which comprises scriptures and prophecies. Chris Tham has made the needed manual for interpreting the word of God. The author wants us to acknowledge the difference between wisdom and verity. Through this book, he wants us to find ourselves, know who God is, and recognize moral living. Chris wants us to uncover our ultimate destiny and ascertain the alliance between faith, expectation, and devotion. The book made me understand that the ABC of life involves God + Yourself, while the XYZ of life involves you + your family. Embracing God In The Right Perspective With The Right Foundation of Faith In Him is jammed with auspicious claims corroborated by biblical references. I learned how each of the twelve apostles of Christ died. I also learned the meaning of names like Ishbak, Zimran, and Shuah. Indeed, truth is knowledge with God's enlightenment. I employ every reader of this book to not rush through the book. The author has successfully written a striking blueprint for the Bible. Hence, I would advise future readers to purchase a paperback version to accompany their study of the word of God. Even though the book is from a Christian standpoint, it does not condemn other religions or faith. Instead, it draws a balance between all and shows the relation of one to the other. The book opened my mind to the gains of humility which many are blind to, as well as other forms of beliefs like pantheism, animism, and agnosticism that I didn't know existed. The book is a highly enlightening read. Furthermore, I resonated with the ten teachings of Lao Tzu, especially number ten: health is the greatest possession, contentment is the biggest treasure, and confidence is an incredible friend. I will pen the teachings of Lao Tzu and own them. Likewise, the language used is easy to comprehend. I enjoyed the diagrammatic illustrations used to elaborate on points. I have not read any Christian nonfiction that is as thorough as this. It merits a 5 out of 5 stars and the broadest readership. Lydia Efobi, Pharmacy student, University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Church, Anglican Communion, Nigeria.
This is a Christian book to share the gospel of Christ with all men on earth, the truth, and grace in the Word of God. To be honest, the author really did an amazing job with this interesting Christian book, it really exposes me to many biblical truths for my understanding: facts about life, knowledge versus truth, law, sin, judgment, and death, eternal salvation and resurrection for men. This book is extremely amazing with many biblical scriptures which enlighten and shed light on the soul and give divine virtues to life. It exposes me to the Word of GOD and draws me closer to Him. The author really has a passion to reveal the truth to the whole world. Reading it is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I realize what I did not realize before. Knowing the purpose of life is another amazing chapter. I understand the truth that every one of us in the history of mankind is predestined to live within the framework of faith with the righteousness of Christ in God. The book adds value and it motivates my spirit ‘life has no limit. Go where you want to go. Reach the height you want to reach. It is all in your heart and in your hands.’ I found that in chapter 13.Take a look at this amazing quote, ‘Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when it’s lost, and that is life. You cannot have someone to bear the sickness for you. ‘Treat yourself well. Cherish others’. I got to know more about the biblical history of Abraham and Isaac, Moses and Joshua, King David and King Solomon, Elijah and Elisha. Each chapter is so mind-captivating that you won’t want to miss it at all. I must confess I enjoy his book from start to end. It teaches everybody moral lessons and how to behave in society. Alpha and Omega, in Christianity, are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, used to designate the comprehensiveness of God, implying that God includes all that can be. In the New Testament Revelation to John, the term is used as the self-designation of God and of Christ. The reference likely had a Jewish origin, based on Old Testament passages such as Isaiah 44:6 “I am the first and the last”, and Psalm 90:2 “From everlasting to everlasting thou art God”. In rabbinic literature, the word emet (“truth”), composed of the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, is “the seal of God,” and in Judaic tradition, it carries somewhat the same connotation as Alpha and Omega. This is the last chapter(chapter 14), it’s very interesting and a lovely read. Believe me. I am so impressed with chapter 8which says SALVATION AND RESURRECTION FROM DEATH IS ETERNAL AND IS FOR ALL. The aforesaid is the divine truth irrespective of whether one embraces Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Sikhism, Atheism, and any other form of belief. The definition of God’s grace in his divine truth is unwarranted or undeserved mercy. No matter how sinful one is, as long as is not a sin unto death, that living soul shall be saved by God’s grace in Christ. The trinity of God is a perennially contentious issue and has been a subject of continuous debate among biblical scholars, be it in Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. This is discussed in an awesome manner in chapter 7. Do you even know the THREE DIMENSIONS OF MAN? The body comprises blood and flesh - both originating from the ground. Soul comprises the mind, will, emotions and personality. It’s read in ROMANS 8:6-8. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to GOD. It does not submit to GOD’S law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please GOD. This biblical scripture really sheds light on the three dimensions of man .Focus on chapter 4 for more revelation. KNOWLEDGE VERSUS TRUTH is another amazing read, both knowledge and truth are two different things. Chapter 3 has given me more understanding. Truth is knowledge with the presence of GOD in the heart of man. Knowledge with GOD is walking with faith in the spirit that leads us to the Truth. Knowledge without GOD is akin to walking with misguided beliefs in the flesh that leads us to Lie. “WHO IS GOD AND WHO ARE YOU?” in chapter 1. This is a huge question for me and you; do you even know the holy GOD you are serving? It’s answered in this book and it helps a lot. On abortion, I truly understand more clearly that adultery, rape or incest, or even teenage pregnancy without parental consent is a sinful deed. The child born out of the adultery of Bathsheba and King David, died. It is clearly stated in the book of Samuel. I am imploring you to read this book because you will get to know some amazing truths in the biblical scriptures. Eisa Aisha Journalism, Habib University & Mass Communication, Harvard University St Mary’s Catholic Church United Arab Emirates
An exceptional book that touched me in a special way. Growing up in a Christian family, I can say that I had the answers to some of the questions that the author addresses (who is God and who are you, who is the devil, who are the evil spirits), but to be reminded of these questions and answers is always beneficial. The author addresses these questions, helping you better understand laws, sin, judgment, the trinity of God, and many other themes found in the Bible. What I liked very much was the multitude of verses cited by the author, verses that support the themes discussed in this book. Chapter 3 (Knowledge versus truth) resonated with me the most, as it talks about the teachings of Adolf Hitler, explaining the things we know about him and how the Bible contradicts his behavior and teachings. I greatly appreciated the way the author takes different personalities from the Bible (King David, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Elisha) and writes about their lives, genealogy, and the miracles they experienced. After chapter 3, chapter 13 caught my attention because it reminded me of the many moments when I could call upon God through prayer and He helped me. This chapter speaks about the purpose of our lives and how we have been placed on this earth to bring value to the lives of those around us. Furthermore, this book explains the conflicts between Islam and Christianity and helps you better understand the discrepancies between them. (The only thing that bothered me was the use of caps lock, which personally made me read this book more slowly). The book is worth reading by all those who want to understand more about God, the way He works, and His boundless goodness. I am fully convinced that this book will help all those who read it, as they will find answers to questions and advice for each day. Flavia Precup - Faculty of Political, Administrative, and Communication Sciences - Christian Church "House of Bread"
Chris Tham offers an interesting exploration of humanity's relationship with God and the afterlife. As an agnostic reader, I approached this book with curiosity and an open mind. Tham's engaging and passionate voice drew me into the chapters, encouraging me to reflect on my beliefs and contemplate deeper questions about spirituality. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the existence of God, the purpose of life, and the nature of evil. Tham weaves together philosophical contemplation, religious teachings, and references to scientific concepts to present a unique viewpoint. I appreciated his willingness to challenge mainstream beliefs and present alternative interpretations. One aspect I found intriguing was the exploration of the various religions and beliefs present in the world today. Tham acknowledges the viewpoints of atheists who see God as a creation of human minds to fill gaps in knowledge. This discussion provides valuable context for understanding different perspectives and encourages readers to question their own beliefs. Another aspect that stood out to me was the emphasis on social and economic injustices. Tham highlights the disparities in wealth and income distribution in different countries, as well as the selfish pursuits of power and dominance throughout history. This critique of societal structures resonated with my own concerns about inequality and the need for justice. Tham's exploration of the afterlife was interesting, presenting two options: living with God in a majestic palace or living with beloved family members in a comfortable home. He suggests that most people would choose to be with their family rather than with God, raising fundamental questions about the nature of our desires and the fear-based religious teachings about punishment in hell. Throughout the book, Tham incorporates biblical scriptures from Genesis and other books to support the arguments and provide a spiritual foundation. While I personally do not subscribe to religious doctrines, I found the inclusion of these scriptures informative and helpful in understanding the author's perspective. This book offers a unique exploration of humanity's relationship with God, the afterlife, and deep existential questions. It is a very dense text, but Chris Tham's engaging writing style, combined with the integration of philosophical contemplation, religious teachings, and scientific concepts, makes for an insightful read. While some interpretations and perspectives may be controversial or challenge mainstream beliefs, the book encourages readers to reflect on their own beliefs and search for a deeper understanding of their spiritual identity. Whether you are a person of faith or an agnostic like myself, this book invites you to engage in a meaningful exploration of spirituality and the human experience.
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