An Entrepreneur's Words to Live By by R. Lee Harris
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R. Lee Harris
Business & Management
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I think there must be a business book for everyone in America. And there are countless books about entrepreneurship. But this isn’t a book about business or entrepreneurship. No, this is a book about life. It’s about how to lead a rich, full and happy life as an entrepreneur. After all, isn’t that what each of us is striving to achieve?
If you are a Baby Boomer there is still time for you to have success as an entrepreneur and enjoy a long and vibrant life. For those members of Generation X or Y who want to become entrepreneurs, the world is your oyster. Perhaps what you read between these pages will provide a perspective that helps you reach the goals you have set. Above all I hope that what I share with you may help you become a better, well-rounded human being who will eventually take the time to pass along to others that which you learn over the course of your life.
Entrepreneurs have a complex collection of traits and tendencies. Entrepreneurship is all about harnessing these traits and tendencies into a positive driving energy force. Yet it’s even more than that. True entrepreneurship is a state of being. Are you ready to find out more about what makes an entrepreneur tick? Fasten your seatbelts because here we go.
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