MMA Mountain Meadow Avenger by Bob Fry
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MMA Mountain Meadow Avenger
Bob Fry
General Novel
Bookbaby (Alphagraphics of Pearl)
File Size:
2.53 MB
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When the wagon train left Arkansas headed for California, no one realized they
wouldn’t make it past Mountain Meadows Utah. That’s where a group of Mormon disguised
as Indians slaughtered all but a few of the children. One of those, Ian, vows
to avenge his parents and brother and the other travelers who were murdered. He
grew up with an uncle but returned to Utah when he was seventeen and changed his
name to Stuart. One by one, he begins to hang those he learns were participants in
what is now known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre. His task is complicated by
a turbulent relationship with Emily. When they break up he moves to Salt Lake City
and goes to work for Bringham Young. The church forces Emily into a marriage with
Justin, a bitter rival. But she is destined to be reunited with Ian and he finally puts
aside his role as Avenger.
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