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RM 35.23

When you put on the TV and hear that an armed man just killed someone, what comes to your mind?

Well, in my head, I think "that's someone's kid who just shot another person's kid dead.

That bad person who terrorises other peoples lives probably came out of a home and a family.

And maybe he wasn't adequately groomed by his parents at the right age.

And now he is everybody's problem.

I agree that getting children to obey is not exactly very easy, especially with children nowadays who seem to know how to reason out instead of following what their parents tell them to do.

Sometimes it takes several repetitions of a command given before kids would follow.

Parents have always searched for solutions on how to get their children to obey them, and I guess that is why you are here reading this right now.

While some have tried to resort to harsh measures, there are those who applied the diplomatic approach, without getting great results.

So, before getting that belt, you have reserved for extreme situations or attempting to use diplomacy, read this book for some thought-provoking flight into the mind-planet of kids.

Read :

"Get Your Kids To Do What You Want By Reading Their Minds And Speaking The Secret And Only Language, They Understand"

Get Them Under Your Spell From Age 3 - 16, and you would have
fix them for a bright future.


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