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This work is for all people, young and old, who are questioning; who feel restlessness in their soul, but perhaps dont understand why. It is also for those who simply want to up their game in life, to truly show up, and become all that they can be. If you are just starting out, you may feel confused about your life or work direction. Perhaps you feel anxiety at not knowing where you fit in this world, or you dont know how to get where you want to be in life, let alone what you truly want. Some experience a more profound sense of dissatisfaction with certain circumstances in their life. That said, it is not unusual to question your life and your motives from time to time. Maybe you dont understand your decisions. Or maybe you do, but feel an inability to change them. Sometimes there is an unrecognized fear about expressing yourself. Or maybe your choices just dont seem to be panning out. This is life for everyone at times. Who of us can honestly say we’ve have never suffered this crisis of conscience? If you are asking these questions, youre on the brink of a life makeover. And the answer to these questions will be as individual as you.
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