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Master storyteller Jim Penny teaches you and your children the values of ambition, inner beauty, courage, dependability, enthusiasm, fairness, generosity, honesty, imagination, judgment, knowledge, leadership, motivation, neatness, optimism, perseverance, quality, respect, spirituality, thankfulness, uniqueness, variety, wonder, extraordinariness, youthfulness, zeal and appreciation with stories that they (and you) will never forget. The stories' value statements collectively become The Character Compass which acts as a foundation to help your children develop character and guides them as they become the leaders of tomorrow. The book employs the best memory tools and techniques available for parents and teachers. Appropriate for all school-age children and as a self-help guide for adults. The Character Builder sections at the end of each chapter provide thought-provoking questions that stimulate personal growth and encourage quality discussion. Cultural Challenge questions leave readers and children with an appreciation of other cultures and their geographic distinctions. Come inside to meet such unforgettable characters as: Alicia, the ambitious athlete from Argentina; Maria, the motivational speaker from Mexico; Kagunda, the famous "Keeper" from Kenya who constantly seeks "knowledge;" Faith, the female French Chef from French Polynesia whose value is fairness; Carlos, the courageous child from Chile who saves his classmates after an earthquake, and other equally engaging personalities who eagerly and unselfishly share their wisdom and their lessons. Schools and after-school programs can use the book's stories as a thorough character development curriculum. Lesson plans and guidelines are available. Which of the book's stories or characters will lead to your "Aha!" moment when you come to the realization that you are one of "The Children"? If you are concerned about the continuing "erosion of values" in today's society, this book is a must read!
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