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RM 44.00

To whom has never happened to meet a friend with a beautiful dress and when we buy an identical model does not suit us? or when we go shopping and those clothes that we like so much do not favor us anything ... Surely the guilt does not have the garments; we must know enough to know that it favors us and that we must avoid. If our legs are too thin, surely the miniskirt will not be our ally. Knowing if you are an apple or an hourglass, or if you are a little short it will avoid many annoyances and embarrassing situations when dressing. This book will help you accentuate your strengths and disguise weaknesses; a 50 years old woman can be as elegant of a 30 years old girl. Fashion is a wonderful tool to help us express ourselves and be beautiful, but we need to know how to adapt it to get the best of ourselves and not be a slave to trends...
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