NKJV, Daily Bible, eBook by Thomas Nelson

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Author: Thomas Nelson
Category: Christianity
ISBN: 9781418589394
File Size: 8.63 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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This special edition of The NKJV Daily Bible contains 52 devotional articles by Charles Stanley, one for each week of the year, as well as all of the Bible contents of The NKJV Daily Bible.

The weekly devotional insights from Dr. Stanley are carefully selected and adapted from several of his books, including How to Listen to God, The Wonderful Spirit-Filled Life, Winning the War Within, and others. These devotions cover a broad range of important spiritual topics, such as Faith, Temptation, Truth, Adversity, and many more. Each of these articles will provide a theme for prayer and meditation as you walk with God through each week of the year.

The main part of The NKJV Daily Bible consists of daily portions of the Old Testament, the Psalms, the Proverbs, and the New Testament from the trusted New King James Version of the Bible. If you read each daily portion—an activity that takes about fifteen minutes a day—you will have read through the entire Bible in a year. May you be blessed as you grow closer to God through the regular daily study of His inspired Word, the Holy Bible.


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